Saturday, January 22, 2005

Microphone (The DC Posse Knows What That Means)

Hey Soul Mates,
I finally scored a (fairly) vintage mic on-line. It took some doing. Vintage Shure mics are pretty valuable and desirable. It's not the 55s that I really wanted but a PE55. It'll do. The guy says it's a mid-70's model, rather than one from the 50s or 60s. As long as it performs the way I want it to, I'll be happy. It's my early birthday present to myself. Why not?

I may have to break down and go to Guitar Center today and get a new Shure 87. They have them for a decent price and I'm a fool not to sing with my own mic when we play & rehearse. Usually it's old funky mics. I think I've ingested 5 or 6 cans of Lysol the past 3 years.

I'm in a better mood than the last few times I have written, but AI4 and Mike Powell burn me.
I'm playing the Jacksons Live on the winamp. That's raising my spirits too. There's a big blog in my brain that I want to write about the late Michael Jackson.

Have a great weekend.
Love, Power, Peace

p.s. for my DC Posse: Jud Fasold isn't the only one "inta-nashnly knoooown! Micraafoooone!"

A Patch Of Blue Sky In The Restricted Speech Maelstrom

Hey Soul Mates,
lovers of Free Speech rejoice. Haters of nepotism shout "Amen!"

Colin Powell's kid is leaving the FCC. And not a moment too soon. Michael Powell has been as bigger embarrassment to America than Janet Jackson's titty (and without the charm). As humorless as his old man, Powell is the most public FCC chairman in American history and he won't be remembered kindly by me. He has been the typical reactionary during the current administration, tryin-a take us back to the 1950's or worse.

When Powell was appointed he said he would support Free Speech and fight the old indecency codes, but he sold out. Ever since, he has wielded his authority like a spoiled child; insistent on imposing his own free will (and the Conservative agenda) on the Public's airwaves. His fascist enforcement of indecency laws has made America a stranger place. Are people doing and saying things on the air that are inappropriate? Probably. But is it killing people and leaving bodies strewn about the streets? No. Arbitrarily calling something indecent and lobbing gigantic fines like grenades is a curb on free speech... dammit. It's rule by fear.

And this fool wanted to allow anyone to own as many TV stations or networks as they could. Huh? Putting all the power in a few hands is not good for art, commerce or the People. It's called monopoly and it's illegal. Thank the Lord, the Senate and the judicial system overturned his ruling. Tell me he wasn't being paid off to make that decision.

Michael Powell's work has been a diversion to help blind us to the real events of the real world. He wanted you to focus on that titty so you wouldn't care that the networks were under singular ownership. These are dark times for lovers of Free Speech. There's a reason why Free Speech is in the first amendment. It's in the very first code of our law. The Founders wanted us to have freedom of expression. But some people want to pervert it for ideological ends that are more violating than those who curse on TV after their team loses a close call or wins an award. Let's hope Powell's successor is better grounded in reality and in the knowledge of the Constitution.

Regardless, this rabble can't be quieted. This is still America. And you can't put a 5 second delay on life.

Love, Power, Peace

Friday, January 21, 2005

On The Veterans Of The Biz & Seeing Blondie Chaplin

Hey Soul Mates,
I'm currently working on promoting our upcoming show at the Joint. Dizzang, it's gonna be big. We have 3 other acts on the bill along with ourselves that are "buzz bands" here in LA I recommend clearing the calendar for the evening.

Last night, I went to the Mint to see Blondie Chaplin and Friends. It was a really loose set, with Blondie and his crew running through originals and songs by Blind Faith and Sam Cooke. I've said it before but Blondie can really sing and, I learned, play a mean blues solo. But then, he hangs out with some pretty tough guitarists, so I shouldn't have been surprised. Such a decent cat. He's quickly become one of my favorite vocalists. And watching him is like a clinic on how to sing properly and with feeling. I learn so much at the feet of these performers.

It's my privilege to live in LA and get to see musicians like Blondie and the Big Monday gang. I wouldn't have imagined as a kid that you could go out on a random night and see so many talented folks for a small cover charge. These veterans of the music scene deserve recognition, so that's why I'm telling you to seek these people out and be entertained. It was also my first time at the Mint. I think they'd been closed for a while. A different vibe, lots of seating and friendly peeps working the place.

Back to work.
Love, Power, Peace

p.s. other than the cover at the Mint, I didn't spend a dime yesterday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Thoughts on the Evening: American I Dull 4

Hey Soul Mates,
whew. It's been a rough few hours. First, I was thoroughly dulled by American Idol 4 and then I didn't win a couple of auctions on eBay for vintage microphone gear. Shrug. The gear, well, I'll just keep on pushing and try to get it sooner or later. The TV show. Ugh. I don't know anymore. I was a fan the first two seasons. Even went to the finales. But now the show is beyond mean.

I'm beginning to believe that the good people at FOX have an agenda. This season more than in previous years they are giving lots of air time to black contestants who suck. Yep, they stink... and are very flamboyant. This program has never been kind to gay contestants (with one major exception, but he's white and middle America loves him). They are providing minstrely entertainment quite unwittingly. I learned a thing or two about the audition process last season from an acquaintance familiar with the production. They said that all the contestants are screened and have to introduce themselves and sing to non-celebrity judges (read: producers). That means the show's producers purposefully allow wretched "talent" through to be lambasted by the regular judges. These tragic figures are for our amusement and ratings, ratings, ratings. Romans were kind enough to simply kill those who weren't strong enough to outlast the competition. We know these people aren't up to the challenge, yet AI shows us their heartbreak.

You may recall last year's voting fiasco over the ousting of several more talented black singers for non-blacks. The final 3 should have been 3 black women with wonderful voices and personalities. This year there appears to be some sort of backlash. I'm concerned that too many of the black contestants are being made to look like fools. Granted these people have chosen to audition and their lack of talent is their fault. But FOX can choose how much of an audition to air and tonight they aired in their entirety 5 black male auditions; one was baseball hall-of-famer Ozzie Smith's kid who was superlative. The other 4 were cut. 3 of them were downright embarrassing as "singers." I know I'm beating a dead horse and of course, I'll watch again next week. But damn... it's a trainwreck. Last night's show featured another number of pathetic gay, black contestants, particularly the poor dude who tried to sing "Tomorrow" from Annie. Come on. The screeners shouldn't let in people who are going to do show tunes first of all. They know that these kids aren't going to make the cut. It's that simple.

Which leads me to the show's main problem: delusional people. There are people in the world who cannot cope with reality. Too many of them are showing up on AI. They are certain that they are talented; or lovable; or are meant to be the next American Idol. Huh?! Tone deafness and obesity are not becoming, but the schizoid nature of some contestants is frightening. Our society mocks those with mental illness too easily. Saying "they're crazy" or "loopy" or "insane" simplifies an actual dis-ease. Putting them in humiliating situations doesn't help. Frankly, I'm surprised there haven't been any AI related suicides or homicides. These kids don't need to be on TV, they need counseling.

Finally, AI is a reminder that people think that succeeding in music can be done with a wish and no hard work at all. I, for one, don't mind hearing the judges tell the majority of these people to shift the focus in their lives. But on that note: if you have a dream, strive for it. Just be realistic about your talent. Hopefully, my next blog will be more entertaining.

Love, Power, Peace

Sunday, January 16, 2005

New Show Announced

Hey Soul Mates,
we have officially announced our next show. It will be on Friday Feb. 11 at our home field, The JOINT. The lineup includes ourselves, Telecast & Drag. Bands start at 9 Pm, we go on at 10. If you haven't seen us (or the Joint) lately, you haven't seen us at all. This one will be a burner. It's being promoted as the L.A. Showdown. Perfect to kick off Grammy Weekend here in L.A. Always an exciting time around town. All of the bands on the bill have big followings and buzz, so be sure to check out the whole night. We are looking forward to the show. In fact, we begin our full-on electrified rehearsals today (Sunday).

Don't miss this show. It's right before Valentine's Day, so bring a date or find one there. And it's the week of my birthday, I hope you'll bring your presence.
Love, Power, Peace