Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Review From "Keys & Chords"

Check out the latest review of "A Talent For Loving" from Keys & Chords. Quite glowing; lots of love for the vocals, funk and the guitar playing on the album. You may have to run it through a translator as the review is in Dutch! Suffice it to say Keys & Chords calls it a "strong disc." Yeah Boyeee!

Peace & Disco Beats


Blogger George said...

BASS! How low can you go? Death ROW? What a brotha know...

6:54 PM, February 13, 2008  
Blogger DAVE said...

Once again back is the incredible, rhyme animal, the incredible "D" Public Enemy numer one...

He he..thought I forgot that didn't ya numero dos...SCHWING!!!

9:24 AM, February 14, 2008  

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